Helping Your Animals Through Challenging Times

 If you're feeling stressed, your animals are also feeling stressed.

And even if you're perfectly calm with no fear or anxiety about the rapidly changing world we live in, your animals are feeling the general stress of humans around them, both inside and outside your home.

How do I know this is likely to be the case?

For one thing, my own animals are more stressed these days, and my home is a calm spot because I've set it up to be that way. Plus we all meditate together daily, which greatly reduces stress.

Secondly, I've had quite a few calls from clients in the last two weeks with aggression problems among their animals. In some cases, mild aggression has gotten worse. In other cases, aggression has shown up unexpectedly among animals who previously got along beautifully.

What can you do to help yourself and your animal companions?

Flower Essences can be used to shift your own energy, shift the energy of your home, and shift the energy of your animals from tension, stress, fear, and worry to CALM, RELAXED, and PEACEFUL.

The most famous flower essence formula is RESCUE REMEDY, and it's perfectly designed for these stressful times.

Rescue Remedy is trademarked by Bach Flower Essences, but the same formula is available as 5 Flower Formula from Flower Essences Services (FES).

If you can't find either of these easily where you live or can't wait for the shipping time when purchasing online, or if you find the additional cost too much for you right now, there is another way to go.

You can actually make yourself a formula using words on a piece of paper with a glass of water sitting over them. In the PDF file below are complete instructions for making this formula.

Make Your Own Flower Essences

Once you have the flower essences, there are many ways to use them.


You can change the entire energy of your home by misting each room - about 1 spray towards each wall or corner.

I do this once or twice a day, whenever the energy of my home begins to feel too intense.

Even if you don't notice the difference, your animals will feel it immediately.


Take 4 drops under your tongue as often as needed. Don't touch the dropper to your lips or mouth.


For bunnies, gerbils, cats, dogs, and other small animals, you can put 4 drops into your animal's food and water twice each day to help them relax even more.

You can also put some onto your fingers and wipe it onto their ear pads, over their lips and noses, and onto their foot pads.

If an animal doesn't like any of these spots, you can put the drops into the palm of one hand, rub it onto the palm of your other hand, and stroke the animal just like you're petting him/her.

In a barn, you can mist your horse's stall, their grain, and even their hay. You can spray some onto the palm of your hand and wipe it onto a horse's muzzle. Putting it onto their food would also work with llamas and alpacas.

For birds, you can put some into their drinking water. If there's alcohol in the remedy, let the water sit in the open air about 10 minutes so the alcohol evaporates. You can also put a few drops onto a bird's skin right above the beak.

Questions about using flower essences or about the instructions for making them?


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