
How to Advocate For the Ethical Treatment of Animals

 Asking how to advocate for the ethical treatment of animals is a good first step to understanding what I am about to say, so thank you for asking. You seem to feel a concern for pets and animals if you are asking that. You may feel concern for your own pets, and ripples of that feeling may extend to all other pets and animals. Your feelings may build and even last for a while after the speaker leaves the podium - or TV screen. But feelings are not ethics. Those who advocate for the ethical treatment of animals must go beyond feelings. They must seek proven facts. They must ignore the bandwagon and look for the parade organizers. Why do I use the word "bandwagon?" When Americans first used the term in 1849, they were describing a large wagon that carried the band in a circus parade. They used the same wagons in celebrations of successful political campaigns. Theodore Roosevelt's writings showed that he spoke of people "being on the bandwagon" to represent per...

Worth the Investment?

 You will be surprised to know that there is a wide variety of pop up tents available in the market. If you want to give your pet a taste of the outdoor life, let your dog carry his own tent when backpacking or protect any of your elderly cats, you will find a tent that will suit both you and your pet. Most pet tent are often designed for dogs. However, manufacturers have come to realize that our feline friends could also use one. Let us look at a number of the top kinds of pop up tents available nowadays. Pop Up Tents for Cats Needless to say, many dog tents being sold can be used for cats as well. Always remember (no pun intended) that it is even worse to let cats stay inside the tent without supervision while camping. They will not only try to claw, scratch and bite their way, out but also possibly invite predators if you are not around. Cat tents still prove to be a favorite product; especially in the way they allow indoor and elderly cats to have fun in the outdoors. Some o...

Helping Your Animals Through Challenging Times

 If you're feeling stressed, your animals are also feeling stressed. And even if you're perfectly calm with no fear or anxiety about the rapidly changing world we live in, your animals are feeling the general stress of humans around them, both inside and outside your home. How do I know this is likely to be the case? For one thing, my own animals are more stressed these days, and my home is a calm spot because I've set it up to be that way. Plus we all meditate together daily , which greatly reduces stress. Secondly, I've had quite a few calls from clients in the last two weeks with aggression problems among their animals. In some cases, mild aggression has gotten worse. In other cases, aggression has shown up unexpectedly among animals who previously got along beautifully. What can you do to help yourself and your animal companions? Flower Essences can be used to shift your own energy, shift the energy of your home, and shift the energy of your animals from tension...